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It’s an unfortunate reality that almost half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, but just because divorce has become more commonplace doesn’t mean the process is getting any easier for those involved. 

Divorce can have a mental, emotional, and even physical toll on couples. This is often a painful process, even when the couple is on good terms. Here are our tips for taking care of yourself and breaking through the fatigue: 

Acknowledge your emotions

Depression can often sneak up on us. Getting divorced takes a lot of work, and it’s easy to get so swept up in the process that we forget to check in with ourselves and make sure we’re coping with such a sudden change in life. That’s why it’s so important for those enduring this process to take the time to check in with yourself. How are you feeling, is it becoming more than you can bear? Communicate that with the ones around you, and know when it may be the time to seek professional help.  

Reach out to your support system

Focusing on your loved ones, whether it be your siblings, your parents, or your own children, now is the time to spend more time with them and reach out more often. Sharing your experience can be a great stress reliever, and getting advice and insight from the ones you trust the most will give you comfort during this process. 

Your loved ones can help you figure out what your life will look like once you work through your divorce. While this can be scary, it can also be an exciting opportunity for you to embark on a new journey and get to know yourself and your loved ones on a deeper level. 

Ask for help when you need it

Above all else, it’s important to seek professional counseling if you’re finding yourself unable to cope with the stresses of this process. Seeking a counselor or therapist is a great opportunity for you to discuss your feelings with an impartial bystander, who can potentially teach you more about yourself and help you build a roadmap to life after divorce. If you’re looking for a counselor or therapist during this time, ask your attorney if they have any insight into divorce counselors in your area that they trust. 

Trust your counsel

Divorce is never easy, but finding the right representation for you can smoothen the process and take some of the stress off of your shoulders. The Law Office of Sara Turner has over six years experience in family law and the expertise to guide you through this process with the compassion and understanding it deserves. Contact us today for a consultation. 

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