Personal Injury

Get what you deserve.

Find solutions to a devastating situation.

Personal injuries can be devastating, get the compensation you deserve.

Have you been injured and need an attorney? If you have suffered injuries after a car accident, drunk driving accident, texting while driving accident, or a slip and fall accident, you may have a long recovery ahead. You may wonder how you will get money for your medical expenses, how you will pay for the damages to your vehicle or even how you will get to work.

Often, after serious car accidents, the bills are larger than the amount of the liability policy of the at-fault driver and insurance companies do not represent your interests. As a personal injury lawyer in Charleston, Sara A. Turner will work solely for your benefit and can work closely with you to find solutions to devastating situations. The most effective way to overcome a legal dilemma is to have a highly experienced, knowledgeable attorney on your side. Sara A. Turner is determined to help clients achieve their goals when they are pursuing compensation after suffering serious injuries.

Common Personal Injury Cases

Traffic Accident Injuries

Premises Liability

Wrongful Death

Slip & Fall

Dog Bites

Sara Turner is a formidable trial lawyer who will vigorously protect your interests if litigation becomes necessary.

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Contact Sara A. Turner

Call Now: 843-277-2431

165 King Street, Suite 2
Charleston, SC 29401

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